Projected for the year ending 2021 Providing free food to our clients:
• Families............ 2,000
• Adults .................1,000
• Children ............1,000
• Household.......3,600
Food processed through its warehouse:
• 103,000 pounds
All volunteers - no paid staff:
• 35 regular volunteers
• 2,600 hours
• 3 pantry days per week
Food cost to the pantry:
$ 16.43 per family visit including healthy foods per child.
Because free food doesn’t all come free, the ongoing net cost to purchase healthy food items for our clients and children is $1,300 per month.
A twelve months budget reserve is maintained to assure the ongoing availability of food for its clients. An annual report available on request.
Pantry food value impact to the community:
At $100 per family visit, the estimated one year food value local governments aren’t spending is $125,000!